Notas de Prensa y Eventos
News and Events
Acuerdo para crear una experiencia única con un mismo espíritu lo importante eres tu
Spanish Embassy to congratulate CLH for receiving our Annual Golden Award.!Almuerzo en el Támesis/zoom/c1ibk/i4uo
Visita de Prospecion con Maria Perez Rocco Hotels y Nico de Geo!hoteles-exclusive/c13ay
On Thursday 19th February we held the seminar “Business Etiquette for the XXI Century”, in collaboration with Leisure and Care. Igor Urra, General Secretary of the Spanish Chamber, welcomed attendees on behalf of our institution and introduced Cristina González, the speaker for this session. She has combined a long career as a travel manager with her passion towards protocol, as she has been teaching it at different Protocol Schools in Spain. Nowadays, she is fully committed to Leisure and Care